Dillon's Dream:
Water & Earth
Meditation 1
Excerpt 1
Dillon's Dream:  Water & Earth
All excerpts and content related to Dillon's Dream are copyright protected
Meditation 1

Tanya followed Dillon through their breath-count exercise and easily cleared her mind of thoughts.
“We’ve spent a couple weeks learning how to breathe, how to clear our minds, and about chakras and meridian points.* Now it’s time to start gathering energy and storing it in our chakras. We will begin learning how to draw and hold energy in the naval, the foundation for earth chi. This will be the energy focus for your orange belt. Once you learn how to gather energy through meditation, we will focus on using Chi Kung and Tai Chi* to draw your mana in from movement. If we can gather energy at will here, then we should be able to easily draw it in and use it on Ancient Earth, where there will be much more.” Dillon sat in a lotus position and closed his eyes.
Tanya closed her eyes and listened to Dillon’s words. She placed her tongue on the roof of her mouth as directed. She inhaled through her nose as he counted, drawing the chi down her throat, through her stomach and into her naval. As she exhaled she released the energy up her spine and back out her mouth. Tanya felt the cool rush of energy flowing through her and knew it was yin,* or female energy. Dillon had explained earlier that the ability to drawn in the female energy was a goal they should all have, as it was the ‘thoughtful’ energy. He said that it was the start for controlling energy flow, and that females had the upper hand since it was natural for them to draw it in.
Dillon changed his tone. “Now, I want you to draw in the energy again and imagine it gathering as a small orange ball in your stomach. On your exhale keep that ball in your stomach, holding the energy. Continue to do this over and over, drawing in more energy each time.” Dillon’s voice was slow, calm, relaxing.
Tanya visualized the orange ball and actually felt it grow in her naval with each breath count cycle.
Dillon spoke again. “To finish, I want you to inhale normally and on the exhale release the energy out through your limbs. Do this about six times.
Tanya felt a rush as the energy smoothly flowed out her body. She was even a little cold after the exercise. She opened her eyes in time to see Dillon exiting the room. Tanya was taken aback at the amount of sweat pouring down his neck.
The door swished shut and Lian opened his eyes. “Hey where did Dillon go? That was awesome!”
Tanya didn’t respond but wondered if the mana-gathering was too much for Dillon. Recently, he had made off-hand comments about the energy bubbling below the surface of his skin. She hoped he wasn’t going through something much worse than boiling water in his throat.

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The Home of:
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Improved 2nd Edition
The Home of:
Available in paperback & e-book

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Improved 2nd Edition
Available April 30th